It’s been a busy year.
I graduated from GCC in May, with my degree in Audio Production Technologies. Only took me 30 years to finally nail down a college degree, go me! Since then, in between gigs with the band and a week’s vacation in Canada, I’ve been launching my new business, JourneyFrog Audio Services. I’ve got a recording studio, already brought in some clients and made some mighty fine sounds. I’ve also done some arranging and composing for a promising young gymnast in Atlanta. (Look for her in 2020!) What with one thing and another, you’d think I was too busy for much else. Nah. I’ll sleep when I’m dead, I guess. I’m launching a new D&D campaign, in my own homebrew world, because I’m that much of a nerd. And I’ve been playing more Diablo 3 than is probably healthy for any one human being.
I’m going to be making a concerted effort to post here at least once a week. It’s not just going to be band stuff, we have someone else for that. Nah, I’m going to hold forth about the things I love: games and music and recording and my spousen and comic books and movies and my Someone and books and stuff. Stick around, and check back on the regular!
Oh, and if you have any requests? Anything you’d like me to talk about? Leave me a message in the comments.